Social media and the internet, in general, is filled with motivational quotes. Fascinating, and aesthetically pleasing images with famous quotes printed.
While some have found a way to turn the distribution of these words into a money making business, we’ve met with an entrepreneur and kind-hearted soul who decided to put a twist on your average motivational community. Meet Orel Shitrit – an Entrepreneur who gives more than he takes.
What caught our attention was nothing less than spectacular. A social media marketing entrepreneur who came across as someone with a noteworthy story.
What are the main “service offerings” part of your motivational community?
– I primarily focus on helping teenagers and adults get through their challenges in life. Many people struggle with depression, negativity, laziness and a lack of peace of mind. Being someone who has come through a challenging childhood, I am able to put myself in their shoes and show them how I overcame my obstacles in life.
Motivational pages are quite common, how is Crown Media any different?
– I believe in helping people, while some pages mainly care about growing their audience and accounts. What you’ll notice by studying the niche, is that these “big” pages are often selling promotions and advertisement spots, clearly showing that Crown Media is very different to those. At Crowns Media, we’re not after financial gain or spotlight. We have a true desire to help people and provide them with the information, knowledge and motivation to get through their obstacles in life. Being able to help someone, who comes back later thanking you is worth much more than the money you receive off selling an Instagram story post.
What motivated you to start Crown Media?
– To be completely honest, I’ve been a troubled teen myself, been through some hardships and I supported myself every time, and raised back up. I couldn’t help but notice the new social media era, where people tend to insult, hate and offend others for no apparent reason. Crown Media is a community consisting of those who feel unappreciated, unwanted and those who feel they need the sideline cheering to get through their obstacles in life. As a community should be, it surely is one. We make everyone part of our family.
Do you have any motivational advice for our readers?
– Keep your head up. Nothing is over until you say so. focus on yourself, your family and stay happy. Keep the hustle going, and it will eventually pay off some day.
Build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
Orel Shitrit, Crown Media